Monday, March 30, 2015

The secrets behind the first 50pgs of The Secret Side of Empty

The Secret Side of Empty might be one of the last young adult novels I might ever get to read, so I might as well enjoy it right? The The Secret Side of Empty takes place in modern times and follows around our main character M.T. It’s a nice change of pace reading a story that happens in a place that is tangible to me. It’s not in the distant future and it’s not in an alternate universe, it’s just simple New Jersey. Our main character has pretty nice back story, she is a high school girl that I also an immigrant. When I hear the word “immigrant” I relate that word more to the 1900’s, and the old days of Ellis Island . All the people I have come in to connect with my life most of time are at least 2nd or 3rd generation Americans. It’s just an interesting fact that you have to remember sometimes that immigration is happening all the time and it may bring a lot of stress and problems to all kinds of people.

But anyways we see M.T is blending in quite nicely. She has a best friend like a normal high school girl and her name is Chelsa. We find out that these two like to take trips into New York City, and that’s a perfect teenager thing to do and it’s something that I can easily relate to. Although I have only been to New York City only a handle full of times. But I don’t have the same problem as M.T has, you see M.T isn't here legally, she is undocumented. Which means she can easily be deported at any time from the United States. This scares her because she states multiply times throughout the text how “This might be her last year to a formal education”(Andreau 32). This is easily relate able to how she wants to pursue the American Dream, she wants an education, she wants to succeed, but can she? I am really concerned that this story might that a left hand turn with her secret being found out. 

-Richard Plattel
-Andreu, Maria E.. The Secret Side of Empty; Philadelphia: RP Teens, 2014

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