Monday, January 26, 2015

The Attention Span of a Toddler

The first 50 pages of Feed intruded a complex world were the internet has been imputed into peoples' brains and now lets them use the power of the internet at anytime. This story starts off with 5 young adults traveling to the moon because they wanted to have fun and experience the low gravity of the moon. During there trip to the moon we learn some information about our narrators companions, and all I have to say about them is, they are brats.

The youth of this book are basically what the youth of today are slowly forming into. They rely too much on the internet for entertainment and information. For example our main charter has to use his "feed" to auto correct one of his sentences that he stumbled over to say. Stumbling over your own words when your talking to a pretty girl inst the only thing readers can relate to.

When our crew takes there first step on the moon they are swarmed by ads and a lot of unwanted signs. This is something we all can relate to, everyone has clicked on a website and than had the troubling task of closing the endless amount of pop-ups on the site. These ads don't even faze these kids, even though they are literally seeing them right in front of themselves. If I had ads flying at me I wouldn't be the calmest person around.

Another thing that is easily relate-able to is the feeling of boredness you get when you don't have any plans. This group of friends bounces around from place to place, exploring the moon, only to leave shortly after arriving somewhere. These children  don't have an attention span and I believe we can even see this in our life's today. The differences in generations are be coming more noticeable as time progresses and I believe that the generation after mine is very similar to the young adults descried in Feed, easily bored and they rely too much on the internet.

So anyway in the grand scheme of things we discover that Feed might actually be a satyr for our society today. These charters do funny things throughout the story and its very easily relate-able to our youth today.

-Richard P

1 comment:

  1. You wrote: "If I had ads flying at me I wouldn't be the calmest person around." Well, are you calm? I mean, I know that I am consistently bombarded by advertisements on the daily. I was surprised to read that someone your age isn't. Even as I'm typing this, a commercial is airing on my Pandora channel.

    You also wrote: "I believe that the generation after mine is very similar to the young adults descried in Feed, easily bored and they rely too much on the internet." I find this interesting because "my generation" says this a lot about yours. Are we wrong? I don't think that the class aggregate of time spent in digital environments suggests that this is the case. But our class only makes up a small segment of the population, right?
